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Jack Taylor Bikes


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  |@@@@               @@@@@@     @@|
   @@@@@   `.-.    . @@@@@@@@  .  @@\	 First Quarter +
   @@@@   --`-'  .  o  @@@@@@@      |	 6  3:27:21
  @ @@                 @@@@@@ @@@   |	 Full Moon -    
        @@    @   . ()  @@   @@@@@  /	 1 10:54:55
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APPROXIMATE sun and moon rise and set times on California (PST) date Wednesday, March 12th, 2025 at various locations. Does not consider site elevation. Probably other mistakes too. Data not warranted accurate or useful in any way, except for planning a moonlight mountain bike derby.
Bombay: 06:49 18:48 Bombay: 17:19 05:37
Bangkok: 06:28 18:28 Bangkok: 17:00 05:07
Beijing: 06:31 18:18 Beijing: 16:20 05:42
Hongkong: 06:35 18:32 Hongkong: 16:54 05:22
Tokyo: 05:56 17:46 Tokyo: 15:49 04:59
Seoul: 06:48 18:36 Seoul: 16:40 05:54
Sydney: 06:52 19:17 Sydney: 18:24 04:33
Samoa: 06:30 18:43 Samoa: 18:03 05:20
Wellington: 07:14 19:46 Wellington: 19:00 04:39
Honolulu: 06:42 18:40 Honolulu: 17:42 05:55
Anchorage: 07:24 18:55 Anchorage: 17:11 07:34
San_Francisco: 06:25 18:15 Portland: 16:55 06:03
Portland: 06:30 18:16 San_Francisco: 17:00 05:50
Denver: 06:16 18:04 Denver: 16:45 05:42
Chicago: 06:07 17:54 Chicago: 16:29 05:35
Montreal: 06:12 17:57 Montreal: 16:25 05:45
New_York: 06:12 18:00 New_York: 16:34 05:38
Managua: 06:54 18:56 Managua: 17:54 05:53
Bermuda: 06:33 18:25 Bermuda: 17:06 05:47
Rio_de_Janeiro: 05:54 18:11 Rio_de_Janeiro: 17:25 04:18
Azores: 06:58 18:47 Azores: 17:16 06:16
London: 06:19 17:59 London: 16:03 06:00
Lisbon: 06:52 18:41 Lisbon: 17:06 06:11
Dakar: 07:19 19:20 Dakar: 18:07 06:12
Stockholm: 06:13 17:43 Stockholm: 15:25 06:15
Münster: 06:50 18:29 Münster: 16:31 06:31
Madrid: 07:31 19:18 Madrid: 17:41 06:51
Johannesburg: 06:08 18:27 Helsinki: 15:52 06:51
Istanbul: 06:21 18:08 Istanbul: 16:23 05:40
Athens: 06:41 18:29 Athens: 16:50 05:56
Helsinki: 06:46 18:15 Johannesburg: 17:37 04:18
Nairobi: 06:39 18:46 Moscow: 16:14 06:43
Moscow: 06:53 18:27 Nairobi: 17:37 05:12
Tehran: 06:19 18:09 Tehran: 16:28 05:29

On this date: March 12, 2025, 04:01:01 PM (Current Universal Time):
The position (phase) within the moon's cycle: 0.67656502378576
The phase name: Waxing Crescent
The percentage of lunar illumination is 27.7%
The days until the next full moon are: 9.55
The days until the next new moon are: 24.3
The days until the next first quarter moon are: 2.2
The days until the next last quarter moon are: 16.9

Moon phases for upcoming week:
  Wednesday: Waxing Crescent
  Thursday: Waxing Crescent
  Friday: First Quarter Moon
  Saturday: Waxing Gibbous
  Sunday: Waxing Gibbous
  Monday: Waxing Gibbous
  Tuesday: Waxing Gibbous

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